Space to create for all working artists.

It all begins with an idea. Whatever your creative passion is, the way you create is important. Being a part of an art community can make all the difference. 

We offer individual studios for each Tenant Artist and many opportunities for workshops, apprenticeships, and events to inspire all walks of the Prescott community.

As a collective of Tenant Artists we create our work independently from each other but support the vision of working in a collective space with a contemporary Art Gallery. The shared workshop and small performance venue expands to include community into the Art Hive space.

Studio spaces

We have no waitlist for studios. Please apply for a studio rental and we will contact you when there is a studio available. There will be an interview process to determine a best fit scenario for each studio available.

The Art Hive has no vacancies at this time


Please see our Who is Here page for opportunities for Internships with our Tenant Artists.

Workshop/ small performance/ or evening band rehearsal Studio

Please email arthivebookings@gmail for reservation of Studio #27

Price for just Studio #27 is $60 for a 4 hour session

Price for Studio #27 and audience hall is $140 for a 5 hour session starting at 5 pm and must close up by 10pm.

Rates will increase April 2024


We are a group of volunteer Artists making this shit happen .